Nuclear is the industrial heart of sustainable American prosperity
The Green Nuclear Deal is a plan for growing nuclear energy to create dignified, high-wage jobs, revive American industrial capability, and reestablish ourselves as the global leaders of this critical technology
Who We Are
Campaign for a Green Nuclear Deal is a nation-wide advocacy effort that is articulating a vision for nuclear as the industrial heart of sustainable and enduring American prosperity.
What We Want
To grow the share of U.S. electricity from nuclear power to 50% by 2050 in order to create good, high-wage jobs that will last for generations and increase our industrial competitiveness abroad.
How To Help
Whether it’s contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us expand our efforts, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need your help.

“If we invest in our capabilities to overcome climate change, then our children and grandchildren will inherit a country and a world that are more stable, more prosperous, and more hopeful than they are today. Embarking on the Green Nuclear Deal will mean the future will be made in America.”
— Madison Czerwinski, “Campaign for a Green Nuclear Deal: Forging a New America”
Support Our Work
This is a grassroots effort. We are independent of all industrial and corporate interests, including from the nuclear industry. This ensures we can be a fair and independent advocate for the public’s interest, which is in reliable, clean, and efficient nuclear power.
With your help, we can forge a new America with a Green Nuclear Deal!